Privacy Policy 2024

Find my Move is fully committed to protecting any and all personal information we hold, and being transparent about the data we process and our procedures of processing.

This privacy policy is to give a clear explanation about how we process data, what information we hold, how it will be used, how it can be accessed, updated and when personal data can be deleted.


Find my Move will process all personal data lawfully, fairly, and transparently.

Why we collect this data

Personal data will only be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. Data collection will be necessary for Find my Move to help assist you with finding your next move. This may include but not be limited to:

Names, contact telephone numbers, email addresses, home addresses (of let property or forwarding address) for the purpose of arranging inventory inspections, transferring an inventory report, arranging a property visit, transferring a property visit report and discussing any items relevant to these reports. It may also include bank details for payment and invoicing purposes.

We use this information to distinguish you from other users, and to contact you if we need to. Any data we collect from you will be used to provide products and services to help you make the most of your home unless you ask us not to. If you sign up to receive property alerts, property tracking or marketing emails, we’ll send them to your given email address.

‘Consent’ is when you give us your permission to use your data for a specific purpose. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

Relevant Data

All data collected will be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for processing and to carry out services encompassed in the operations of Find my Move services.

Our legitimate interests are:

Enabling you to save property searches, claim your next home and carry out other tasks using your Find my Move account.

Personalising your experience of our services

Learning from the way you use our services.

Making sure our services are secure.

‘Consent’ is when you give us your permission to use your data for a specific purpose. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Simply contact us.

Tracked Properties – edit or unsubscribe from alerts about your tracked properties.

Alerts & Searches – edit or unsubscribe from property listing alerts.

Email Preferences – edit or unsubscribe from all emails.

Where we rely on your consent for electronic mail marketing, we offer you the opportunity to update your preferences at any time within your account. You can opt in or out of electronic mail marketing at any time from any of the following: 

  • emails from Find my Move about our group of companies’ products and services that may be of interest.


An extensive general audit of data has been completed prior to the GDPR law brought in in 2018. All departments within Find my Move will audit data regularly to ensure compliance with our GDPR policy and particularly points 3 and 4. The process will involve necessary correction, deletion, and notification of data subjects.


Personal data will be kept in particular formats to ensure the data subject can be identified only as long as necessary for processing.


Personal data will be processed in a manner that ensures its security. All personal data that is processed will be encrypted and handled with Good Industry Practice. All individuals will be briefed on Find my Move. GDPR policy to comply with safe, diligent, and responsible processing of all personal data within all operations of the company. Hard copies of any personal data will be processed with utmost care, not left unattended and stored securely. Once use of the hard copies has been expired the physical data will be destroyed and disposed of.

We only keep your data long enough to carry out tasks we have collected it for after you have consented.

Third Party Data Processing

Any operations conducted by Find my Move which involve contractors and where necessary the processing of personal data may need to be completed by the contractor/third party. Find my Move has thorough, written, and signed agreements with all contracted workers to ensure processing of personal data is compliant with company policy and adheres to GPRD regulation. The fundamental principles of the agreement are set below (Controller as Find my Move, Processor as agreed contractor)

i. Authority to process Controller Personal Data

a) The Processor may process data as instructed for agreed purposes for relevant contractual work for SDM Property Ltd
b) The Processor will process any Controller Personal Data in accordance with Good Industry Practice and Applicable law.

ii. Termination and suspension

a) The agreement may be terminated by the Controller to comply with the Data protection Legislation or applicable law, or the processor commits a breach of the agreement or fails to remedy such a material breach
b) The Processor’s obligations under this agreement will survive expiration of termination of any other agreements between the parties.

iii. Security and Confidentiality

a) The Processor shall, in relation to the Controller’s data implement appropriate technical and organisation measures to ensure a level of security to the risk of rights and freedom of persons relating to the Personal Data
b) The Processor shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the Controller Personal Data against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against any accidental loss, destruction damage or disclosure (in IT equipment, portable equipment)

iv. Data Security Breaches

a) The processor shall notify the Controller without undue delay and in any event within 72 hours, upon becoming aware of an actual or potential Data security breach affecting Controller personal data. Information should be sufficient to accurately inform data subjects and/or the relevant supervisory authority.
b) The processor will co-operate with the controller to take steps of investigation, mitigation, and remediation of such a data breach.

v. Data subject rights

a) The processor will notify the controller within 5 days on receiving a request from a data subject in respect to the Controller personal data and include copies of requests.

vi) Retention, Deletion or return of Controller Personal Data

a) The processor shall not store or retain any Controller Personal Data except as necessary for Agreed Purposes
b) The Controller may before the termination of this agreement instruct deletion, or return of transferred Controller Personal data
c) Audits- the processor will co-operate and provide necessary information should an audit of Personal data be instructed by the Controller

vii. General Terms

a) In the event of inconsistencies between the provisions of this agreement and the data protection provisions of any other agreement, the provisions of this agreement shall prevail unless except where explicitly agreed otherwise, and in writing by the controller.

b) The controller may propose any amendments to this agreement which may be deemed necessary to comply with Data Protection Legislation. The processor will be cooperative with any variations which would be effective after notified in writing.

Data breach

This is defined as ‘A breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed in connection with the provision of a public electronic communications service’ In the event of a potential data breach Find my Move will notify the subject within 72 hours. Find my Move as the data controller will execute an investigation, mitigation and remediation and communicate progress and findings to the subject. The ICO will be notified where necessary and internal processes reviewed.


Find my Move website uses cookies and other similar technologies. A cookie is a piece of information we automatically place on your device so we can remember something about it or you. When you first visit our website, we’ll ask for your consent to set non-essential cookies such as for advertising and personalisation.

Cookies help us monitor and improve our services, and to personalise your experience. You can find out more in our cookie policy.

How to contact us

We at Find my Move, hope all the above information, make sense and if your happy with how we use your personal data. If not, please contact us using the contact details on our website.